Mining Technology with Schroeder Industries

Industrial Mining Company Location Photo showcasing Schroeder's Mining Brochure cover. Includes instructions on how to download the brochure.

Schroeder Industries is well known for manufacturing fluid conditioning and condition monitoring equipment for an indefinite amount of markets. Mining is one we excel at.

Every facet of Schroeder Industries plays a part in our global presence in the mining industry.

Mining companies rely on Schroeder Industries for fluid cleanliness and equipment to operate at surface level and at 2,500 feet (750 meters) plus below!

Manufactured in America and focused on user-friendliness and worker safety, Schroeder Industries has a rich history in improving and enhancing the experience of underground and surface mining.

Industrial Factory Manufacturing Equipment

Our filtration technology is applicable to industry applications such as:

We offer project-specific design of hydraulic and fuel systems, as well as process equipment in accordance with world-wide mining standards and mining regulations.


The Markets We Serve: Underground & Surface Mining


Watch on YouTube “Mining Technology – The Markets We Serve” product playlist.

In the mining industry, we supply workhorse filtration and contamination monitoring equipment to ensure success in two (2) very different subsets of mining.

We have products for:

  • Overview

    Underground Mining

    Longwall –

    • Continuous Miners –
      • KC50 High Pressure Filter, 5000 psi, 100 gpm
      • WKC50 High Pressure Water Filter, 5000 psi, 100 gpm
      • WKF3 Low Pressure Water Filter, 300 psi, 100 gpm
      • BFT Low Pressure Filter, 100 psi, 300 gpm
      • A wide variety of micron sizes and BestFit® available
      • TestMate® ET-100-6C MSHA-approved flow, pressure, and temperature monitoring system
      • Various test point fittings
      • Suction Filters/Strainers
    • Haulage Cars –
      • TF50 High Pressure Filter, 5000 psi, 40 gpm
      • KF30 High Pressure Filter, 3000 psi, 100 gpm
      • BFT Low Pressure Filter, 100 psi, 300 gpm
      • A wide variety of micron sizes and BestFit® available
      • TestMate® ET-100-6C MSHA-approved flow, pressure, and temperature monitoring system
      • Suction Filters/Strainers
    • Stage Loader –
      • WQLF15 Medium Pressure Water Filter, 500-1500 psi, 500 gpm
      • SSQLF15 Medium Pressure Water Filter, 500-1500 psi, 500 gpm
      • A wide variety of micron sizes and BestFit® available
    • Coal Shearers –
      • CCZX10 Hydraulic Cartridge Filter Element
      • AAZX/CCZX High-Crush Hydraulic Cartridge Filter Element, 3000 psid
      • A wide variety of micron sizes and BestFit® available
    • Pump Station –
      • WQLF15 Medium Pressure Water Filter, 500-1500 psi, 500 gpm
      • SSQLF15 Medium Pressure Water Filter, 500-1500 psi, 500 gpm
      • A wide variety of micron sizes and BestFit® available


    Room and Pillar Mining –

    • Continuous Conveyer Machine –
      • KF50 High Pressure Filter, 5000 psi, 100 gpm
      • WKF50 High Pressure Water Filter, 5000 psi, 100 gpm
      • A wide variety of micron sizes and BestFit® available
    • Roof Bolters –
      • KF50 High Pressure Filter, 5000 psi, 100 gpm
      • RT Low Pressure Filter, 100 psi, 100 gpm
      • WKC50 High Pressure Water Filter, 5000 psi, 100 gpm
      • A wide variety of micron sizes and BestFit® available
    • Highwall Miners –
      • KF50 High Pressure Filter, 5000 psi, 100 gpm
      • A wide variety of micron sizes and BestFit® available

    Surface Mining

    Earth Moving

    • Draglines –
      • QF5 Medium Pressure Filter, 500 psi, 300 gpm
      • QLF15 Medium Pressure Filter, 500 psi, 500 gpm
      • BFT Low Pressure Filter, 100 psi, 300 gpm
      • QT Low Pressure Filter, 100 psi, 450 gpm
      • HS60 High Pressure Filter, 6000 psi, 100 gpm
      • M Media (Reusable Metal)
      • Excellement® Z-Media® (Synthetic)
      • A wide variety of micron sizes and BestFit® available
    • Shovels –
    • For Non Electric Mining Shovels –
      • Suction GHCF GeoSeal® High-Flow Coalescing Filter
      • HDP Series On-Board Diesel Filtration


    • Drills –
      • KF3 Medium Pressure Filter, 300 psi, 100 gpm
      • QF5 Medium Pressure Filter, 500 psi, 300 gpm
      • K9 Medium Pressure Filter, 900 psi, 100 gpm
      • ART Low Pressure Filter, 145 psi, 225 gpm
      • M Media (Reusable Metal)
      • Excellement® Z-Media® (Synthetic)
      • A wide variety of micron sizes and BestFit® available
      • Suction GHCF GeoSeal® High-Flow Coalescing Filter
      • HDP Series On-Board Diesel Filtration


    • Dumps –
      • BRT Low Pressure Filter, 145 psi, 160 gpm
      • TRT Low Pressure Filter, 145 psi, 634 gpm
      • ART Low Pressure Filter, 145 psi, 225 gpm
      • M Media (Reusable Metal)
      • Excellement® Z-Media® (Synthetic)
      • A wide variety of micron sizes and BestFit® available
      • Suction GHCF GeoSeal® High-Flow Coalescing Filter
      • HDP Series On-Board Diesel Filtration
    • Scoops –
      • KF30/50 High Pressure Filter, 3000/5000 psi, 100 gpm
      • GH6 Medium Pressure Filters, 725 psi, 35 gpm
      • RT Low Pressure Filter, 100 psi, 100 gpm
      • LRT Low Pressure Filter, 100 psi, 150 gpm
      • M Media (Reusable Metal)
      • Excellement® Z-Media® (Synthetic)
      • A wide variety of micron sizes and BestFit® available
      • Suction GHCF GeoSeal® High-Flow Coalescing Filter
      • HDP Series On-Board Diesel Filtration
    • Haulage Trucks –
      • BFT Low Pressure Filter, 100 psi, 300 gpm
      • BRT Low Pressure Filter, 145 psi, 160 gpm
      • TRT Low Pressure Filter, 145 psi, 634 gpm
      • HS60 High Pressure Filter, 6000 psi, 100 gpm
      • M Media (Reusable Metal)
      • Excellement® Z-Media® (Synthetic)
      • A wide variety of micron sizes and BestFit® available
      • Suction GHCF GeoSeal® High-Flow Coalescing Filter
      • HDP Series On-Board Diesel Filtration


    Bulk Storage/Contamination Control –

    Holding Ponds/Water Intake –

    Site/Wastewater Filtration –

  • Downloads

    Promotional Downloads

    Promotion Promotion Type Markets Product Family Product Type
    Diesel Progress September 2021 Print Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles GHPF, GHCF, BDF, Parker FBO Filters for the future
    OEM March 2017 Print Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles Elements, HY, ART, GRTB
    Diesel Progress Ad 2 2017 Print Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles MFS, MFD, AMFS, HDP-BC, HDP-HT, BDFC
    Diesel Progress Ad 3 2015 Industrial, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Marine, Power Generation, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels BDFC Fuel Coalescing
    BDC ad. indd Print Industrial, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation BDC Fuel Coalescing
    Design World October 2 Print Industrial, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Mining Technology, Marine, Offshore, Oil Recycling and Reclamation HY Diagnostic, TestMate
    Schroeder Fuel Coalescing Filter Ad Print Industrial, Power Generation, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation QCF Fuel Coalescing
    Fleet Equipment November Ad Industrial, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Marine, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels ICF Fuel Coalescing
    OEM Ad 6-2013. indd Industrial, Agriculture, Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles, Refuse, Railroads, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation FS Fluid Conditioning, Particulate Removal
    OEM Ad 03 2014 Industrial, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Marine, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels ICF Fuel Coalescing
    OEM May June Automotive, Defense, Industrial, Machine Tools, Marine, Mining Technology, Offshore, Oil and Gas, Plastic Injection, Power Generation, Printing, Pulp and Paper, Refuse , Steel Making, Forestry, Environmental , Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Triton-A Fluid Conditioning, Particulate Removal, Dewatering
    March 2016 OEM Offhighway Industrial, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Mining Technology, Marine, Offshore, Oil Recycling and Reclamation HY Diagnostic, TestMate
    News from Schroeder Industries Industrial, Power Generation, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels QCF Fuel Coalescing
    Product News from Schroeder Industries | In-Line Water Absorbing Diesel Fuel Bag Filter | BDA Industrial, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels BDC Fuel Coalescing
    Diesel Progress Ad April 2015 Industrial, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Marine, Power Generation, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels BDFC, BDC Fuel Coalescing
    Diesel Progress Ad September 2015 Updated Industrial, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels BDC Fuel Coalescing
    Feb 2016 Diesel Progress Industrial, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Mining Technology, Marine, Offshore, Oil Recycling and Reclamation HY Diagnostic, TestMate
    Feb 2016 Diesel Progress Rev3 Industrial, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Mining Technology, Marine, Offshore, Oil Recycling and Reclamation HY Diagnostic, TestMate
    Microsoft Word - Filtration Station _06.09_.doc Industrial, Agriculture, Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles, Refuse, Railroads, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation FS Fluid Conditioning, Particulate Removal
    Product News from Schroeder Industries | RT Basic Filter | GRTB Industrial, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Mining Technology, Marine, Offshore, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Pulp and Paper, Power Generation, Steel Making, Refuse MFD, HY Fluid Conditioning, Particulate Removal, Final Polish, Diagnostic, TestMate
    Microsoft Word - SVD Hydraulic. doc Automotive, Defense, Industrial, Machine Tools, Marine, Mining Technology, Offshore, Oil and Gas, Plastic Injection, Power Generation, Printing, Pulp and Paper, Refuse, Steel Making, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation SVD Fluid Conditioning, Particulate Removal, Dewatering
    Microsoft Word - Triton Dehydration Station 06.09 .doc Automotive, Defense, Industrial, Machine Tools, Marine, Mining Technology, Offshore, Oil and Gas, Plastic Injection, Power Generation, Printing, Pulp and Paper, Refuse, Steel Making, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Triton-A Fluid Conditioning, Particulate Removal, Dewatering
    Microsoft Word - TMU - November 19 2008. doc Industrial, Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles, Marine, Offshore, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation TMU Diagnostic, TestMate
    Diesel Progress Ad 8 2014 Industrial, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels BDC Fuel Coalescing
    Diesel Progress Ad 9 2014 Fuels Industrial, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Marine, Power Generation, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels BDFC Fuel Coalescing
    Product News from Schroeder Industries | HS60 Filter Mining Technology, Machine Tools, Industrial, Offshore, Forestry, Environmental, Oil Recycling and Reclamation HS60
    Hydraulic Pneumatics Automotive, Defense, Industrial, Machine Tools, Marine, Mining Technology, Offshore, Oil and Gas, Plastic Injection, Power Generation, Printing, Pulp and Paper, Refuse, Steel Making, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation SVD Fluid Conditioning, Particulate Removal, Dewatering
    https://ui. constantcontact .com / visualeditor / visual _ editor _ previ Industrial, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Mining Technology, Marine, Offshore, Oil Recycling and Reclamation HY Diagnostic, TestMate
    Product News from Schroeder Industries | In-Line Water Absorbing Diesel Fuel Bag Filter | BDA Industrial, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Marine, Bulk Fuels ICF Fuel Coalescing
    Product News from Schroeder Industries | KFT Digital Industrial, Mining Technology, Marine, Mobile Vehicles KFT
    Microsoft Word - KL3 04 10 Press Release .docx Digital Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles KL3
    Product News from Schroeder Industries | In-Line Filter | LC50 Digital Industrial, Mobile Vehicles, Defense, Forestry, Refuse, Chemical Processing, Mining Technology, Agriculture LC50
    SI WWD Ad 8 2012 Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation RF3-0, RF3-1, RF3-2, RF3-2.5, RF3-3, RF3-4, RF3-5, RF3-6, RF3-7, RF3-8, RF3-C Backflush, RF3 Series
    Biodiesel Ad 7-8 2012. indd Industrial, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels BDS Fuel Coalescing
    Microsoft Outlook - Memo Style Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Machine Tools, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Forestry, Environmental, Oil Recycling and Reclamation CTF60
    HP Ad comp. indd Print Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Machine Tools, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Forestry, Environmental, Oil Recycling and Reclamation CTF60
    H Pad 7 2014 TMU Industrial, Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles, Marine, Offshore, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation TMU Diagnostic, TestMate
    HandP December Ad Industrial, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Mining Technology, Marine, Offshore, Oil Recycling and Reclamation HY Diagnostic, TestMate
    Petrochem Mining Technology, Machine Tools, Industrial, Offshore, Forestry, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation HS60
    Product News from Schroeder Industries | PLD Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Power Generation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation PLD
    https:// ui. constantcontact .com / visualeditor / visual _ editor _ preview . jspagent . uid=1108554308223 & format=html & print Frame=true https:// ui. / visualeditor / visual _ editor _ preview . jsp?agent .uid=1108554308223 & format=html & printFrame=true Digital Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Offshore, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles SAF1
    Product News from Schroeder Industries | In-Line Water Absorbing Diesel Fuel Bag Filter | BDA Industrial, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels BDC Fuel Coalescing
    Product News from Schroeder Industries | BDFC Industrial, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Marine, Power Generation, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels BDFC Fuel Coalescing
    Product News from Schroeder Industries | Bulk Diesel Cart and Skid Industrial, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels BDS Fuel Coalescing
    Product News from Schroeder Industries | In-Line Water Absorbing Diesel Fuel Bag Filter | BDA Digital Industrial, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels BDS
    Fleet Equipment September Ad Industrial, Mining Technology, Marine, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Bulk Fuels BDF1, BDF2 Fuel Coalescing
    OEM May-June 2016 Industrial, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Mining Technology, Marine, Offshore, Oil Recycling and Reclamation HY Diagnostic, TestMate
    OEM Offhighway September Ad Industrial, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Marine, Power Generation, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels BDFC Fuel Coalescing
    Product News from Schroeder Industries | RT Basic Filter | GRTB Industrial, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Mining Technology, Marine, Offshore, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Pulp and Paper, Power Generation, Steel Making, Refuse MFD, HY Fluid Conditioning, Particulate Removal, Final Polish, Diagnostic, TestMate
    Diesel Progress Ad 3 2018 Print Mobile Vehicles, Mining Technology, Bulk Fuels BDS, BDFP, HY
    BDC Poster Print Industrial, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation BDC Fuel Coalescing
    Microsoft Word - Document in Windows Internet Explorer Industrial, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Mining Technology, Marine, Offshore, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation TCM, TCM-FC Diagnostic, TestMate


    L-Sheet Markets Product Family Product Type
    L-4263 Diesel Fuel Filtration Brochure dig Agriculture, Defense, Offshore, Forestry, Bulk Fuels, Industrial, Marine, Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles, Oil and Gas, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Power Generation, Railroads, Refuse Product Family:BDC, Product Family:ICF, Product Family:BDF1, Product Family:BDF2, Product Family:BDS Fuel Coalescing, Diesel or Biodiesel
    KF3 catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:KF3, Product Family:KF3:GKF3, Product Family:KF3:WKF3
    L-2875 QF15 and QLF15 Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Power Generation, Pulp and Paper, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Product Family:QF15, Product Family:QF15:WQF15
    GHPF catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Marine, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:GHPF Fuel Coalescing
    L-4630 TAB RF3 Solution For Cartridge Filters Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:RF3-0, Product Family:RF3-1, Product Family:RF3-2, Product Family:RF3-2.5, Product Family:RF3-3, Product Family:RF3-4, Product Family:RF3-5, Product Family:RF3-6, Product Family:RF3-7, Product Family:RF3-8, Product Family:RF3-C Backflush, RF3 Series
    FCU1315 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Marine, Offshore, Bulk Fuels Product Family:FluidControl Unit Series Quality Control
    RT catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Marine, Mobile Vehicles, Recreation Product Family:RT, Product Family:RT:GRT
    RF12 catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:RF12 Backflush, RF12 Series
    GHCF catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Marine, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:GHCF Fuel Coalescing
    BDS catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:BDS Fuel Coalescing
    NF30 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Marine, Offshore Product Family:NF30
    L-4691 QD FS for Equipment Service Provider web Industrial, Agriculture, Mining Technology, Refuse, Railroads Product Family:FS Fluid Conditioning
    BTU catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:BTU Backflush
    BDFP catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Marine, Power Generation, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:BDFP Fuel Coalescing
    L-4503_HYTRAX Website Login Instructions DataSheet Industrial, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Mining Technology, Marine, Offshore, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Product Family:HY Diagnostic, TestMate
    L-4642 TAB TDSE for Stainless Steel Producer web Automotive, Defense, Industrial, Machine Tools, Marine, Mining Technology, Offshore, Oil and Gas, Plastic Injection, Power Generation, Printing, Pulp and Paper, Refuse, Steel Making, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:Triton-E Fluid Conditioning, Particulate Removal, Dewatering
    L-4147 RFH-4 Bayonet Bowl Mount Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation Product Family:RFH-1, Product Family:RFH-2, Product Family:RFH-4 Backflush, RFH Series
    PPA catalog Pgs Chemical Processing, Industrial, Machine Tools, Power Generation, Pulp and Paper, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:OAB, Product Family:PPH, Product Family:PPA Bag Elements
    L-2784 RFH Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation Product Family:RFH-1, Product Family:RFH-2, Product Family:RFH-4 Backflush, RFH Series
    L-3107 RF5 Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:RF5-25, Product Family:RF5-30, Product Family:RF5-40, Product Family:RF5-50, Product Family:RF5-60, Product Family:RF5-70, Product Family:RF5-90 Backflush, RF5 Series
    L-2864 MSB Mining Technology, Recreation Product Family:MSB-05841-340B, Product Family:MSB-1298-280B, Product Family:MSB-1330-325B, Product Family:MSB-1330-340B, Product Family:MSB-3060-100B, Product Family:MSB-3060-340B, Product Family:MSB-3060-380B, Product Family:MSB-3070-2100, Product Family:MSB-3070-225, Product Family:MSB-3070-240, Product Family:MSB-3077-525B, Product Family:MSB-3070-280, Product Family:MSB-3077-540B, Product Family:MSB-3176-225B, Product Family:MSB-3185-425B Mining, Mining Elements
    L-2766 Melt Blown Media Mining Technology, Recreation Product Family:MSB-05841-340B, Product Family:MSB-1298-280B, Product Family:MSB-1330-325B, Product Family:MSB-1330-340B, Product Family:MSB-3060-100B, Product Family:MSB-3060-340B, Product Family:MSB-3060-380B, Product Family:MSB-3070-2100, Product Family:MSB-3070-225, Product Family:MSB-3070-240, Product Family:MSB-3077-525B, Product Family:MSB-3070-280, Product Family:MSB-3077-540B, Product Family:MSB-3176-225B, Product Family:MSB-3185-425B Mining, Mining Elements
    L-4217 Triton-E Data Sheet Automotive, Defense, Industrial, Machine Tools, Marine, Mining Technology, Offshore, Oil and Gas, Plastic Injection, Power Generation, Printing, Pulp and Paper, Refuse, Steel Making, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Product Family:Triton-E Fluid Conditioning, Particulate Removal, Dewatering
    L-4292 SVD01 data Sheet Automotive, Defense, Industrial, Machine Tools, Marine, Mining Technology, Offshore, Oil and Gas, Plastic Injection, Power Generation, Printing, Pulp and Paper, Refuse, Steel Making, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Product Family:SVD Fluid Conditioning, Particulate Removal, Dewatering
    RF3-4 catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:RF3-0, Product Family:RF3-1, Product Family:RF3-2, Product Family:RF3-2.5, Product Family:RF3-3, Product Family:RF3-4, Product Family:RF3-5, Product Family:RF3-6, Product Family:RF3-7, Product Family:RF3-8, Product Family:RF3-C Backflush, RF3 Series
    RF3-6 catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:RF3-0, Product Family:RF3-1, Product Family:RF3-2, Product Family:RF3-2.5, Product Family:RF3-3, Product Family:RF3-4, Product Family:RF3-5, Product Family:RF3-6, Product Family:RF3-7, Product Family:RF3-8, Product Family:RF3-C Backflush, RF3 Series
    RF3-8 catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:RF3-0, Product Family:RF3-1, Product Family:RF3-2, Product Family:RF3-2.5, Product Family:RF3-3, Product Family:RF3-4, Product Family:RF3-5, Product Family:RF3-6, Product Family:RF3-7, Product Family:RF3-8, Product Family:RF3-C Backflush, RF3 Series
    MAF1 catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Recreation Product Family:MAF1
    PAF1 catalog Pgs PAF1_catalogPgsIndustrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Offshore, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Recreation Product Family:PAF1
    LF1 catalog Pgs Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:LF1-2
    SRLT catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Mobile Vehicles, Steel Making, Forestry, Recreation Product Family:SRLT
    TF50 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:TF50
    RLT catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Machine Tools, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Steel Making, Forestry, Recreation
    BFT catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:BFT
    ICF catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Marine, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:ICF Fuel Coalescing
    BDFC catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Marine, Power Generation, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:BDFC Fuel Coalescing
    FCU1000 Series catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Marine, Offshore, Bulk Fuels Product Family:FluidControl Unit Series Diagnostic, TestMate
    QCF catalog Pgs Industrial, Power Generation, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:QCF Fuel Coalescing
    L-4683 TDSA Data Sheet web Automotive, Defense, Industrial, Machine Tools, Marine, Mining Technology, Offshore, Oil and Gas, Plastic Injection, Power Generation, Printing, Pulp and Paper, Refuse, Steel Making, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Product Family:Triton-A Fluid Conditioning, Particulate Removal, Dewatering
    HS60 catalog Pgs Mining Technology, Machine Tools, Industrial, Offshore, Forestry, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Product Family:HS60
    WQF15 catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Power Generation, Pulp and Paper, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Product Family:QF15, Product Family:QF15:WQF15
    WQLF15 catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Power Generation, Pulp and Paper, Mining Technology, Steel Making Product Family:QLF15
    CFX30 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Machine Tools, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:CFX30
    KL3 catalog Pgs Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:KL3, Product Family:KL3:GKL3, Product Family:KL3:WKL3
    KF50 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Machine Tools, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Power Generation, Steel Making Product Family:KF50
    KF30 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Machine Tools, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Power Generation Product Family:KF30
    L-4472 TAB TDS-E Aluminum Extrusion Automotive, Defense, Industrial, Machine Tools, Marine, Mining Technology, Offshore, Oil and Gas, Plastic Injection, Power Generation, Printing, Pulp and Paper, Refuse, Steel Making, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Product Family:Triton-E Fluid Conditioning, Particulate Removal, Dewatering
    L-4473 TAB TDS-E Municipal Automotive, Defense, Industrial, Machine Tools, Marine, Mining Technology, Offshore, Oil and Gas, Plastic Injection, Power Generation, Printing, Pulp and Paper, Refuse, Steel Making, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Product Family:Triton-E Fluid Conditioning, Particulate Removal, Dewatering
    BDF catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Marine, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:BDF1, Product Family:BDF2 Fuel Coalescing
    Independent ICF test Report Industrial, Mining Technology, Marine, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:BDF1, Product Family:BDF2 Fuel Coalescing
    L-2738 TCM Industrial, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Mining Technology, Marine, Offshore, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:TCM, Product Family:TCM:TCM-FC Diagnostic, TestMate
    KF5 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Mobile Vehicles, Steel Making Product Family:KF5, Product Family:KF5:GKF5, Product Family:KF5:WKF5
    KFT catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Marine, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:KFT
    L-4263 Diesel Fuel Filtration-Brochure Agriculture, Defense, Offshore, Forestry, Bulk Fuels, Industrial, Marine, Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles, Oil and Gas, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Power Generation, Railroads, Refuse Product Family:BDC, Product Family:ICF, Product Family:BDF1, Product Family:BDF2, Product Family:BDS Fuel Coalescing, Diesel or Biodiesel
    IRF catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Mobile Vehicles, Marine Product Family:IRF
    KFH50 catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles, Steel Making Product Family:KFH50
    WKF3 catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:KF3, Product Family:KF3:GKF3, Product Family:KF3:WKF3
    GKF3 catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:KF3, Product Family:KF3:GKF3, Product Family:KF3:WKF3
    GRT catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Marine, Mobile Vehicles, Recreation Product Family:RT, Product Family:RT:GRT
    CS 1939 catalog Pgs Industrial, Agriculture, Mining Technology, Marine, Offshore Product Family:CS 1000:CS 1939 Diagnostic
    RMF catalog Pgs Mining Technology, Industrial, Machine Tools, Chemical Processing, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:RMF Rolling Media Filtration
    MTA catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Pulp and Paper, Mobile Vehicles, Recreation Product Family:MTA
    BR catalog Pgs Chemical Processing, Industrial, Machine Tools, Power Generation, Pulp and Paper, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:BR Bag Elements
    WKL3 catalog Pgs Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:KL3, Product Family:KL3:GKL3, Product Family:KL3:WKL3
    LVH-C catalog Pgs Industrial, Bulk Fuels, Marine, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Power Generation Product Family:LVHC
    LVH-F catalog Pgs Industrial, Bulk Fuels, Marine, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Power Generation Product Family:LVHF
    L-4824 D5S Indicator Cover Data Sheet Mining Technology, Industrial, Oil and Gas Product Family:D5S Indicator, Filter Dirt Alarm, Visual
    BDC catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:BDC Fuel Coalescing
    QF5i catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Power Generation, Pulp and Paper, Mining Technology, Steel Making Product Family:QF5i
    BDS4 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels
    L-4722 RF4-3 Data Sheet Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation Product Family:RF4-3
    BDS2 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:BDS Fuel Coalescing
    CSI-C-11 catalog Pgs Industrial, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Mining Technology, Marine, Offshore, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:CSI-C-11 Diagnostic
    BDS3 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:BDS Fuel Coalescing
    L-4712 RMF Data Sheet Mining Technology, Industrial, Machine Tools, Chemical Processing, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:RMF Rolling Media Filtration
    Schroeder Pro-Total Fluid Life catalog Pgs Power Generation, Industrial, Steel Making, Mining Technology, Marine Product Family:TFL Diagnostic
    L-4666 GHCF Data Sheet web Industrial, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Marine, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:GHCF Fuel Coalescing
    L-4665 GHPF Data Sheet web Industrial, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Marine, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:GHPF Fuel Coalescing
    Schroeder Pro-Total Fluid Health catalog Pgs Power Generation, Industrial, Steel Making, Mining Technology, Marine Product Family:TFH Diagnostic
    L-4667 BDFP Data Sheet web Industrial, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Marine, Power Generation, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:BDFP Fuel Coalescing
    L-4603 Low Viscosity Housings Brochure web Industrial, Bulk Fuels, Marine, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Power Generation Product Family:LVHC, Product Family:LVHF
    L-4695 QF5i Data Sheet Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Power Generation, Pulp and Paper, Mining Technology, Steel Making Product Family:QF5i
    L-4701 CSI-C-11 Data Sheet Industrial, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Mining Technology, Marine, Offshore, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:CSI-C-11 Diagnostic
    Sept 19 2011 Mining Technology Product Family:A-TB Reservoir Accessory
    L-4507 D5 Indicator DataSheet Mining Technology Product Family:D5 Indicator, Filter Dirt Alarm, Visual
    L-2765 Mining Brochure Mining Technology
    Application Sheet Filtration Station Industrial, Agriculture, Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles, Refuse, Railroads Product Family:FS Fluid Conditioning, Particulate Removal
    L-2853 Rolling Media Filter Mining Technology, Industrial, Machine Tools, Chemical Processing, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:RMF
    SLG catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:SLG Oil Sight Glass, Reservoir Accessory
    L-4344 TAB Windmill FS Triton Industrial, Agriculture, Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles, Refuse, Railroads, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:FS Fluid Conditioning, Particulate Removal
    ABC catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Machine Tools, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:ABC Reservoir Accessory, Air Breather
    PLD inline pressure filter Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Power Generation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Product Family:PLD
    LW60 inline pressure filter Mining Technology Product Family:LW60 Mining
    FOF60 Servo Filter Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Pulp and Paper, Mobile Vehicles, Mining Technology Product Family:FOF60-03
    LW60 inline pressure filter Mining Technology Product Family:LW60 Mining
    MTA In-Tank Filter Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Pulp and Paper, Mobile Vehicles, Recreation Product Family:MTA
    L-4522 TAB TCM Drill Rig Piston Pump Industrial, Agriculture, Mining Technology, Marine, Offshore Product Family:TCM, Product Family:TCM:TCM-FC, Product Family:TWS-D Diagnostic
    L-4516 TAB FS Roll-off Cleanliness Industrial, Agriculture, Mining Technology, Refuse, Railroads Product Family:FS Fluid Conditioning
    L-2765 Mining Brochure dig Mining Technology
    L-4460 LVH-F Data Sheet Bulk Fuels, Industrial, Marine, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Power Generation
    KFT In-Tank Filter Industrial, Mining Technology, Marine, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:KFT
    PF40 inline pressure filter Mining Technology, Machine Tools, Automotive, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:PF40
    L-2668 QFD5D data Sheet Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Power Generation, Pulp and Paper, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Product Family:QFD5
    L-2874 SRLT Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Mobile Vehicles, Steel Making, Forestry, Recreation Product Family:SRLT
    L-2852 RF4 Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:RF4-1, Product Family:RF4-2 Backflush, RF4 Series
    PPH catalog Pgs Chemical Processing, Industrial, Machine Tools, Power Generation, Pulp and Paper, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:OAB, Product Family:PPH, Product Family:PPA Bag Elements
    L-4441 RF12 Data Sheet Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation Product Family:RF12 Backflush, RF4 Series
    L-4457 BDA Data Sheet Industrial, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Marine, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Railroads Product Family:BDA Fuel Coalescing
    WLF1 catalog Pgs Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:LF1-2
    L-4258 BDFA1-BDFA2 Data Sheet Industrial, Mining Technology, Marine, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:BDFA1, Product Family:BDFA2
    L-4459 LVH-C Data Sheet Industrial, Bulk Fuels, Marine, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Power Generation
    L-2741 Air Breather Check Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Machine Tools, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:ABC Reservoir Accessory, Air Breather
    L-2930 TPM Industrial, Mobile Vehicles, Mining Technology, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Product Family:TPM Diagnostic, TestMate
    L-4067 PABR7 Breather Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Marine, Offshore, Power Generation, Defense, Mining Technology Product Family:PABR7 Reservoir Accessory, Air Breather
    L-3103 KL3 Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:KL3, Product Family:KL3:GKL3, Product Family:KL3:WKL3
    DBH2-DBH10 catalog Pgs Chemical Processing, Industrial, Machine Tools, Power Generation, Pulp and Paper, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:DBH2 to DBH10 Bag Housings, Duplex
    L-2855 Bag Housings Elements Chemical Processing, Industrial, Machine Tools, Power Generation, Pulp and Paper, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:BH1 Bag Housings, Single
    SAF1 Spin-On Filter Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Offshore, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:SAF1
    Micron-Rated catalog Pgs Chemical Processing, Industrial, Machine Tools, Power Generation, Pulp and Paper, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:OAB, Product Family:PPH, Product Family:PPA Bag Elements
    LW60 catalog Pgs Mining Technology Product Family:LW60 Mining
    OAB catalog Pgs Chemical Processing, Industrial, Machine Tools, Power Generation, Pulp and Paper, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:OAB, Product Family:PPH, Product Family:PPA Bag Elements
    WQF5 catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Power Generation, Pulp and Paper, Mining Technology, Steel Making Product Family:QF5
    WKC50 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:KC50
    WKF5 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Mobile Vehicles, Steel Making Product Family:KF5, Product Family:KF5:GKF5, Product Family:KF5:WKF5
    L-4096 MSB3185 Mining Technology, Recreation Product Family:MSB-05841-340B, Product Family:MSB-1298-280B, Product Family:MSB-1330-325B, Product Family:MSB-1330-340B, Product Family:MSB-3060-100B, Product Family:MSB-3060-340B, Product Family:MSB-3060-380B, Product Family:MSB-3070-2100, Product Family:MSB-3070-225, Product Family:MSB-3070-240, Product Family:MSB-3077-525B, Product Family:MSB-3070-280, Product Family:MSB-3077-540B, Product Family:MSB-3176-225B, Product Family:MSB-3185-425B Mining, Mining Elements
    GKF5 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Mobile Vehicles, Steel Making Product Family:KF5, Product Family:KF5:GKF5, Product Family:KF5:WKF5
    GKL3 catalog Pgs Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:KL3, Product Family:KL3:GKL3, Product Family:KL3:WKL3
    GMLF1 catalog Pgs Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:MLF1, Product Family:MLF1:GMLF1
    BH1-100 catalog Pgs Chemical Processing, Industrial, Machine Tools, Power Generation, Pulp and Paper, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:BH1 Bag Housings, Single
    BH1-150 catalog Pgs Chemical Processing, Industrial, Machine Tools, Power Generation, Pulp and Paper, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:BH1 Bag Housings, Single
    L-4061 PAB1 And PABS1 Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Marine, Offshore, Power Generation, Defense, Mining Technology Product Family:PAB1, Product Family:PABS1 Reservoir Accessory, Air Breather
    L-4065 SAB22 SABS22 ndustrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Marine, Offshore, Power Generation, Defense, Mining Technology Product Family:SAB22, Product Family:SABS22 Reservoir Accessory, Air Breather
    L-4066 SAB35 SABS35 Breathers Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Marine, Offshore, Power Generation, Defense, Mining Technology Product Family:SAB35, Product Family:SABS35 Reservoir Accessory, Air Breather
    HS60 Reverse Flow Filter Mining Technology, Machine Tools, Industrial, Offshore, Forestry, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Product Family:HS60
    RT In-Tank Filter Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Marine, Mobile Vehicles, Recreation Product Family:RT, Product Family:RT:GRT
    KC65 base-ported pressure filter Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Power Generation, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Product Family:KC65 GeoSeal
    RFH-1 catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation Product Family:RFH-1, Product Family:RFH-2, Product Family:RFH-4 Backflush, RFH Series
    L-4636 TAB Contamination Monitoring Automotive Manufacturer Industrial, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Mining Technology, Marine, Offshore, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:TCM, Product Family:TCM:TCM-FC Diagnostic, TestMate
    L-4404 Fluid Conditioning Monitoring for Fuel Filtration Agriculture, Automotive, Defense, Forestry, Industrial, Marine, Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles, Offshore, Oil and Gas, Power Generation, Railroads, Recreation, Refuse, Bulk Fuels Product Family:N/A
    GMKF50 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Mobile Vehicles, Steel Making Product Family:MKF50
    L-4135 QCF Coalescing Industrial, Power Generation, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:QCF Fuel Coalescing
    L-2899 TCM 10pts Industrial, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Mining Technology, Marine, Offshore, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:TCM, Product Family:TCM:TCM-FC Diagnostic, TestMate
    L-4210 BDS DataSheet Industrial, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:BDS Fuel Coalescing
    CTF60 inline pressure filter Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Machine Tools, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Forestry, Environmental, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Product Family:CTF60
    BDA catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Marine, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Railroads Product Family:BDA Fuel Coalescing
    RFH-2 catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation Product Family:RFH-1, Product Family:RFH-2, Product Family:RFH-4 Backflush, RFH Series
    RFH-4 catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation Product Family:RFH-1, Product Family:RFH-2, Product Family:RFH-4 Backflush, RFH Series
    WRLT catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Machine Tools, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Steel Making, Forestry, Recreation Product Family:RLT
    BH2-BH10 catalog Pgs Chemical Processing, Industrial, Machine Tools, Power Generation, Pulp and Paper, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:BH2 to BH10 Bag Housings, Multi
    GKC65 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Power Generation, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Product Family:KC65 GeoSeal
    L-2742 SVD Automotive, Defense, Industrial, Machine Tools, Marine, Mining Technology, Offshore, Oil and Gas, Plastic Injection, Power Generation, Printing, Pulp and Paper, Refuse, Steel Making, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Product Family:SVD Fluid Conditioning, Particulate Removal, Dewatering
    L-2776 KLC Industrial, Pulp and Paper, Power Generation, Mobile Vehicles, Steel Making, Railroads, Mining Technology, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:KLC Fluid Conditioning, Particulate Removal
    L-4134 ICF Coalescing Industrial, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Marine, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:ICF Fuel Coalescing
    L-4211 BDC Data Sheet Industrial, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:BDC Fuel Coalescing
    L-4228 BDF1 2Data Sheet Industrial, Mining Technology, Marine, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:BDF1, Product Family:BDF2 Fuel Coalescing
    L-4016 Filtration Station Industrial, Agriculture, Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles, Refuse, Railroads, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:FS Fluid Conditioning, Particulate Removal
    LC50 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mobile Vehicles, Defense, Forestry, Refuse, Chemical Processing, Mining Technology, Agricultures Product Family:LC50
    RFH catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation Product Family:RFH-1, Product Family:RFH-2, Product Family:RFH-4 Backflush, RFH Series
    L-4637 TAB TDSE Municipal Casting Supplier web Automotive, Defense, Industrial, Machine Tools, Marine, Mining Technology, Offshore, Oil and Gas, Plastic Injection, Power Generation, Printing, Pulp and Paper, Refuse, Steel Making, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:Triton-E Fluid Conditioning, Particulate Removal, Dewatering
    L-4643 TAB TDSE for Paper Mill web Automotive, Defense, Industrial, Machine Tools, Marine, Mining Technology, Offshore, Oil and Gas, Plastic Injection, Power Generation, Printing, Pulp and Paper, Refuse, Steel Making, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:Triton-E Fluid Conditioning, Particulate Removal, Dewatering
    RF4-2 catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:RF4-1, Product Family:RF4-2 Backflush, RF4 Series
    L-4575 BDF2 TCM Solution Industrial, Mining Technology, Marine, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:BDF1, Product Family:BDF2 Fuel Coalescing
    GKC50 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:KC50
    GKF30 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Machine Tools, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Power Generation Product Family:KF30
    L-4380 HYTRAX Datasheet Industrial, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Mining Technology, Marine, Offshore, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Product Family:HY Diagnostic, TestMate
    NOF30-05 catalog Pgs Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Pulp and Paper, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:NOF30-05
    RF4 catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:RF4-1, Product Family:RF4-2 Backflush, RF4 Series
    RF4-1 catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:RF4-1, Product Family:RF4-2 Backflush, RF4 Series
    L-4325 Process Steel Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:ATF-1, Product Family:ATF-2, Product Family:ATF-2.5, Product Family:ATF-3, Product Family:ATF-3.5, Product Family:ATF-4, Product Family:RF3-0, Product Family:RF3-1, Product Family:RF3-2, Product Family:RF3-2.5, Product Family:RF3-3, Product Family:RF3-4, Product Family:RF3-5, Product Family:RF3-6, Product Family:RF3-7, Product Family:RF3-8, Product Family:RF3-C Backflush, RF3 Series
    ATF catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:ATF-1, Product Family:ATF-2, Product Family:ATF-2.5, Product Family:ATF-3, Product Family:ATF-3.5, Product Family:ATF-4 Backflush
    ATF-1 catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:ATF-1, Product Family:ATF-2, Product Family:ATF-2.5, Product Family:ATF-3, Product Family:ATF-3.5, Product Family:ATF-4 Backflush
    GKF50 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Machine Tools, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Power Generation, Steel Making Product Family:KF50
    L-2779 2782MSB Elements Mining Technology, Recreation Product Family:MSB-05841-340B, Product Family:MSB-1298-280B, Product Family:MSB-1330-325B, Product Family:MSB-1330-340B, Product Family:MSB-3060-100B, Product Family:MSB-3060-340B, Product Family:MSB-3060-380B, Product Family:MSB-3070-2100, Product Family:MSB-3070-225, Product Family:MSB-3070-240, Product Family:MSB-3077-525B, Product Family:MSB-3070-280, Product Family:MSB-3077-540B, Product Family:MSB-3176-225B, Product Family:MSB-3185-425B Mining, Mining Elements
    FOF60-03 catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Pulp and Paper, Mobile Vehicles, Mining Technology Product Family:FOF60-03
    L-3108 RF7 Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:RF7-0B, Product Family:RF7-1B, Product Family:RF7-2.5B, Product Family:RF7-2B, Product Family:RF7-3B, Product Family:RF7-4A, Product Family:RF7-5A, Product Family:RF7-6A, Product Family:RF7-7A, Product Family:RF7-8A, Product Family:RF7-CC Backflush, RF7 Series
    L-4046 ATF Data Sheet Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:ATF-1, Product Family:ATF-2, Product Family:ATF-2.5, Product Family:ATF-3, Product Family:ATF-3.5, Product Family:ATF-4 Backflush
    ATF-3-5 4 catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:ATF-1, Product Family:ATF-2, Product Family:ATF-2.5, Product Family:ATF-3, Product Family:ATF-3.5, Product Family:ATF-4 Backflush
    MHS60 catalog Pgs Mining Technology, Machine Tools, Industrial, Offshore Product Family:MHS60
    MTB catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Forestry, Recreation Product Family:MTB
    PLD catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Power Generation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Product Family:PLD
    RF3-7 catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water Product Family:RF3-0, Product Family:RF3-1, Product Family:RF3-2, Product Family:RF3-2.5, Product Family:RF3-3, Product Family:RF3-4, Product Family:RF3-5, Product Family:RF3-6, Product Family:RF3-7, Product Family:RF3-8, Product Family:RF3-C Backflush, RF3 Series
    L-2744_2747 MSB Elements Mining Technology, Recreation Product Family:MSB-05841-340B, Product Family:MSB-1298-280B, Product Family:MSB-1330-325B, Product Family:MSB-1330-340B, Product Family:MSB-3060-100B, Product Family:MSB-3060-340B, Product Family:MSB-3060-380B, Product Family:MSB-3070-2100, Product Family:MSB-3070-225, Product Family:MSB-3070-240, Product Family:MSB-3077-525B, Product Family:MSB-3070-280, Product Family:MSB-3077-540B, Product Family:MSB-3176-225B, Product Family:MSB-3185-425B Mining, Mining Elements
    L-2734 RF3 Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:RF3-0, Product Family:RF3-1, Product Family:RF3-2, Product Family:RF3-2.5, Product Family:RF3-3, Product Family:RF3-4, Product Family:RF3-5, Product Family:RF3-6, Product Family:RF3-7, Product Family:RF3-8, Product Family:RF3-C Backflush, RF3 Series
    ATF-2 2-5 3 catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:ATF-1, Product Family:ATF-2, Product Family:ATF-2.5, Product Family:ATF-3, Product Family:ATF-3.5, Product Family:ATF-4 Backflush
    MF2 catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:MF2
    SSQLF15 catalog Pgs Mining Technology Product Family:SSQLF15
    ZT catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:ZT
    VF60 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Machine Tools, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:VF60
    L-4535 Diesel All Around Protection Agriculture, Defense, Offshore, Forestry, Bulk Fuels, Industrial, Marine, Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles, Oil and Gas, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Power Generation, Railroads, Refuse Product Family:BDS, Product Family:BDF1, Product Family:BDF2, Product Family:HDP-BC, Product Family:HDP-HT, Product Family:TCM, Product Family:TMU, Product Family:HY Fuel Coalescing, Quality Control
    RTI catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Marine, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:RTI
    LRT In-Tank Filter Industrial, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:LRT
    QT catalog Pgs Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology Product Family:QT
    CF60 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Machine Tools, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:CF60
    CTF60 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Machine Tools, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Forestry, Environmental, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Product Family:CTF60
    3QF5 catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Power Generation, Pulp and Paper, Mining Technology, Steel Making Product Family:3QF5
    MLF1 catalog Pgs Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:MLF1, Product Family:MLF1:GMLF1
    MSB catalog Pgs Mining Technology, Recreation Product Family:MSB-05841-340B, Product Family:MSB-1298-280B, Product Family:MSB-1330-325B, Product Family:MSB-1330-340B, Product Family:MSB-3060-100B, Product Family:MSB-3060-340B, Product Family:MSB-3060-380B, Product Family:MSB-3070-2100, Product Family:MSB-3070-225, Product Family:MSB-3070-240, Product Family:MSB-3077-525B, Product Family:MSB-3070-280, Product Family:MSB-3077-540B, Product Family:MSB-3176-225B, Product Family:MSB-3185-425B Mining, Mining Elements
    QF5 catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Power Generation, Pulp and Paper, Mining Technology, Steel Making Product Family:QF5
    THF TWG catalog Pgs Industrial, Agriculture, Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles, Refuse, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Product Family:THF, Product Family:TWG Diagnostic, Trouble Check Plus
    PF40 catalog Pgs Mining Technology, Machine Tools, Automotive, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:PF40
    RF5 catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:RF5-25, Product Family:RF5-30, Product Family:RF5-40, Product Family:RF5-50, Product Family:RF5-60, Product Family:RF5-70, Product Family:RF5-90 Backflush, RF5 Series
    RF3-3 catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:RF3-0, Product Family:RF3-1, Product Family:RF3-2, Product Family:RF3-2.5, Product Family:RF3-3, Product Family:RF3-4, Product Family:RF3-5, Product Family:RF3-6, Product Family:RF3-7, Product Family:RF3-8, Product Family:RF3-C Backflush, RF3 Series
    CF40 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Automotive, Machine Tools, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:CF40
    L-4090 Oil Sight Glass Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Machine Tools, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Power Generation, Steel Making Product Family:OSG, Product Family:OSGHT, Product Family:OSGHZ, Product Family:OSGL, Product Family:3DBM Reservoir Accessory, Oil Sight Glass
    DF40 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Automotive, Machine Tools, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:DF40
    QF15 catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Power Generation, Pulp and Paper, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Product Family:QF15, Product Family:QF15:WQF15
    QFD5 catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Power Generation, Pulp and Paper, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Product Family:QFD5
    QLF15 catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Power Generation, Pulp and Paper, Mining Technology, Steel Making Product Family:QLF15
    RF3-0 catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:RF3-0, Product Family:RF3-1, Product Family:RF3-2, Product Family:RF3-2.5, Product Family:RF3-3, Product Family:RF3-4, Product Family:RF3-5, Product Family:RF3-6, Product Family:RF3-7, Product Family:RF3-8, Product Family:RF3-C Backflush, RF3 Series
    RF3-1 catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:RF3-0, Product Family:RF3-1, Product Family:RF3-2, Product Family:RF3-2.5, Product Family:RF3-3, Product Family:RF3-4, Product Family:RF3-5, Product Family:RF3-6, Product Family:RF3-7, Product Family:RF3-8, Product Family:RF3-C Backflush, RF3 Series
    RF3-2 5 catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:RF3-0, Product Family:RF3-1, Product Family:RF3-2, Product Family:RF3-2.5, Product Family:RF3-3, Product Family:RF3-4, Product Family:RF3-5, Product Family:RF3-6, Product Family:RF3-7, Product Family:RF3-8, Product Family:RF3-C Backflush, RF3 Series
    RF3-2 catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:RF3-0, Product Family:RF3-1, Product Family:RF3-2, Product Family:RF3-2.5, Product Family:RF3-3, Product Family:RF3-4, Product Family:RF3-5, Product Family:RF3-6, Product Family:RF3-7, Product Family:RF3-8, Product Family:RF3-C Backflush, RF3 Series
    RF3-5 catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:RF3-0, Product Family:RF3-1, Product Family:RF3-2, Product Family:RF3-2.5, Product Family:RF3-3, Product Family:RF3-4, Product Family:RF3-5, Product Family:RF3-6, Product Family:RF3-7, Product Family:RF3-8, Product Family:RF3-C Backflush, RF3 Series
    RF3-C catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:RF3-0, Product Family:RF3-1, Product Family:RF3-2, Product Family:RF3-2.5, Product Family:RF3-3, Product Family:RF3-4, Product Family:RF3-5, Product Family:RF3-6, Product Family:RF3-7, Product Family:RF3-8, Product Family:RF3-C Backflush, RF3 Series
    KC50 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:KC50
    KC65 catalog Pgs Industrial, Automotive, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Mobile Vehicles, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Machine Tools, Power Generation Product Family:KC65 GeoSeal
    MKF50 catalog Pgs Industrial, Mining Technology, Automotive, Mobile Vehicles, Steel Making Product Family:MKF50
    RF7 catalog Pgs Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:RF7-0B, Product Family:RF7-1B, Product Family:RF7-2.5B, Product Family:RF7-2B, Product Family:RF7-3B, Product Family:RF7-4A, Product Family:RF7-5A, Product Family:RF7-6A, Product Family:RF7-7A, Product Family:RF7-8A, Product Family:RF7-CC Backflush, RF7 Series
    L-4616 RF3-1USA Brochure dig Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Water and Waste Water, Mining Technology, Industrial, Power Generation, Marine, Machine Tools Product Family:RF3-1 Backflush, RF3 Series
    L-4535 Diesel All Around Protection_dig Agriculture, Defense, Offshore, Forestry, Bulk Fuels, Industrial, Marine, Mining Technology, Mobile Vehicles, Oil and Gas, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Power Generation, Railroads, Refuse Product Family:BDS, Product Family:BDF1, Product Family:BDF2, Product Family:HDP-BC, Product Family:HDP-HT, Product Family:TCM, Product Family:TMU, Product Family:HY Fuel Coalescing, Quality Control
    L-3040 D5 D10 Indicators Industrial, Automotive, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Mobile Vehicles, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Machine Tools, Power Generation Product Family:D5 Indicator, Filter Dirt Alarm, Visual
    L-4517 TAB FS Boiler Water Feed Solution Industrial, Agriculture, Mining Technology, Refuse, Railroads Product Family:FS Fluid Conditioning
    SAF1 Catalog Pages Industrial, Automotive, Machine Tools, Mining Technology, Steel Making, Offshore, Pulp and Paper, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles Product Family:SAF1
    L-4614 TAB TAB BDF2 Solution For MOW Equipment Industrial, Mining Technology, Marine, Agriculture, Mobile Vehicles, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:BDF1, Product Family:BDF2 Fuel Coalescing
    L-4613 TAB Bulk Diesel Filtration For Mining Customer Industrial, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Agriculture, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation, Bulk Fuels Product Family:BDS Fuel Coalescing
    L-4700 TAB Oil Recycling for CNG Compressor Automotive, Defense, Industrial, Machine Tools, Marine, Mining Technology, Offshore, Oil and Gas, Plastic Injection, Power Generation, Printing, Pulp and Paper, Refuse, Steel Making, Forestry, Environmental, Recreation, Oil Recycling and Reclamation Product Family:Triton-A Fluid Conditioning, Particulate Removal, Dewatering
    L-4714 TAB Injection Molding Machine Filtration Industrial, Pulp and Paper, Power Generation, Mobile Vehicles, Steel Making, Railroads, Mining Technology, Bulk Fuels Product Family:KLC Fluid Conditioning, Particulate Removal
    L-4698 TAB Heat Exchangers for Heat Recover Industrial, Machine Tools, Steel Making, Pulp and Paper, Marine, Mining Technology, Power Generation, Water and Waste Water, Environmental, Recreation Product Family:ATF-1, Product Family:ATF-2, Product Family:ATF-2.5, Product Family:ATF-3, Product Family:ATF-3.5, Product Family:ATF-4 Backflush

Mining to Net Neutrality Logo visualization for Schroeder's 2030 initiative.

Within all of Schroeder, we have started the initiative to help our customers reduce emissions and focus on sustainable practices. Learn more.


A Need For Clean Process Fluids

A major area that Schroeder Industries can support the mining industry is within its line of Process Filtration Solutions.

Water and wastewater treatment has become a major component of mining operations.

Schroeder provides a full line of filters and strainers for Total Suspended Solids (TSS). This will protect process equipment (pumps, nozzles/jets, cooling equipment, longwall equipment, etc.). It will provide clean water for mineral processing and metal production. Lastly, it can reduce turbidity and remove microbes for potable water use or meeting discharge requirements.


Hydraulic Mining – Mining Equipment Suited for Rigorous Terrains

It’s no secret mines are a rugged environment.

Real time flow and contamination data (ET100-6C)

For the safety of the operation (and operators) one must strive for the most pristine operating oil conditions available.

It takes a special type of filter to meet the strict standards of today’s mining industry.

Below are just some of the characteristics a hydraulic filter (and filter element) must have to be well suited (and accepted) in the mining industry:

  • Low pressure drop across elements and housings
  • High dirt holding capacity
  • Consistent product reliability
  • Cost efficient product line
  • Multiple product applications
  • Real time flow and contamination data (ET100-6C)


From Distributing to Manufacturing

Schroeder Industries was founded in April 1946.

The world of hydraulics looked a lot different for the founders of Schroeder Industries.

What started as an agent and distributor of electrical apparatuses to the coal mining industry, John Schroeder and the Schroeder Brothers Corporation quickly evolved into a leading firm in the development and production of its hydraulic product lines.

With industry’s increased usage of hydraulic power in the late ‘40s and early ‘50s, and the need for improved drilling techniques in the coal industry, the Schroeder Brothers Corp. perceived the ability of an hydraulic motor-operated drill to do the same work as an electric drill without the dangerous kick that occurred when the drill hit something hard. So, in 1951 the Schroeder Brothers Corp. introduced one of the first hydraulically operated coal drills which ultimately replaced the electric drill.

But the drill did not catch on immediately. Problems arose during sales demonstrations. Even though the drill’s design was good, the demonstrations depended on the condition of the machine’s hydraulic system and varied from outstanding successes to complete disasters. Because the mine people could only measure results, the Schroeder Brothers Corp. had to find a way to assure the drill would perform satisfactorily before committing it to a demonstration. Therefore, Schroeder developed the portable hydraulic circuit tester.

John Schroeder, with the assistance from Don Stark (founder of Fluid Controls, Inc.) designed, built, and brought the circuit tester to market in 1954 and Schroeder Brothers Corp. began manufacturing its first fluid power product. Today, the concept of “on the machine” testing with portable flow meters, pressure gauges, and loading valves is widely accepted in many industries.


Recommended Products for Mining

  • BFT
  • KC50
  • MKC50/MKC65
  • SSQLF15/WQLF15
  • RF3/RF14
  • Shield Elements