Coolant systems are a staple at virtually all major manufacturing and power plants, protecting the vital equipment resources from the effects of overheating. However, maintaining a coolant system is incredibly time consuming.
With any coolant system, the operator needs to perform daily checks of the tank volume, adding fresh emulsion if necessary. Manual checks of the fluid concentration must also be done daily and re-dosed if needed.
These steps are tedious, time consuming, and resource intensive—but are critical to maintaining tool life. If the concentration of coolant falls by just 2%, the equipment’s service live can decrease by up to 40%.
Introducing Automated Coolant Monitoring Solutions
To simplify the tedious process of sustaining a coolant system, Schroeder Industries is proud to introduce these unprecedented, automated solutions: The FCU5000 and FC5000.
These sophisticated, automated coolant management tools are calibrated to deliver the appropriate amount of coolant when necessary, preventing overdosing of coolant and controlling concentrate usage. Automated alert configurations keep you informed and ready to respond to any potential issued with the coolant system.
Fluid Control Unit – FCU5000
The FCU5000 offers unparalleled, comprehensive monitoring and automatic maintenance solutions for coolant applications, ensuring the coolant system is properly managed and freeing up valuable personnel bandwidth for other tasks.

Fluid Controller – FC5000
The FC5000 can function as a stand-alone unit or in conjunction with the FCU5000 to maximize your coolant management coverage.