Hydraulic, Diesel, Process Fluid, and Compressed Gas Filtration Solutions for the Railroad Industry

Whether trains are moving people, product, or raw materials, railways are one of the most efficient transport methods available. Keeping this vital industry ‘on track’ through equipment maintenance, repair, construction, and maintenance-of-way is incredibly important to keep major industries moving across the globe.

Railways utilize a wide range of hydraulic and diesel-powered machinery, and Schroeder Industries engineers filtration solutions that keep these vital machines moving!

Find Schroeder Industries Filtration Solutions For:

  • Maintenance of Way Equipment
  • Ditchers / Ditch Cleaners, Mulchers / Flails, Undercutters, Rail Benders,
  • Rail Yard Equipment – Includes Rail Lifting Jacks, Hydraulic Presses
  • Hoists and Cranes
  • Lubricating Oil Systems
  • Diesel Powered Onboard and Maintenance of Way Equipment
  • Bulk Diesel Filtration
  • And More!

Featured solutions for your fluid conditioning and filtration needs!

Hydraulic and Lubrication

A comprehensive range of hydraulic filter housing technologies, equipped with high-quality filter element materials ensure high operating safety and long maintenance intervals.

  • High-Pressure Filters (up to 6500 psi)
  • Medium-Pressure Filters (up to 1500 psi)
  • Low-Pressure Tank-Mounted Filters (up to 100 psi)
  • Lube Circuit Filters (up to 900 psi)
  • Suction Strainers (up to 3″)
Hydraulic Lube Filtration

Product Highlights:

GPT – In-Tank Return Line Filter

An exceptional in-tank filter specially designed for increased protection from contamination while equipment is in bypass.

YF30 – Top Ported High Pressure Filter

Top-ported pressure filter with all aluminum assembly, offers optional drain plug in bowl for easy servicing and non-bypass option.

Filter Systems & Diagnostics

Schroeder Industries offers a variety of offline filter carts, dehydrating units, diagnostic tools, and data-recording sensors. Solutions from our Filter Systems & Diagnostics group are a vital supplement to any filtration regimen.

  • Mobile and portable kidney loop filtration systems
  • Highly customizable filter carts, from basic sensors and indicators to onboard particle counters with internet connectivity
  • Compact diagnostic units for real-time fluid analysis in the field
  • Dehydrating systems for oil reclamation and system protection from water contamination
  • Bottle sampling program with digital reporting and tracking through the Fluid Care Portal
Systems & Diagnostics

Product Highlights:

FS – Filtration Station

An in-plant service filter that polishes fluid to the desired cleanliness levels and extends component life, as well as provides tracking and reporting through USB output.

OLF Compact

A small, self-contained filtration system
equipped with high efficiency, high capacity elements. Can be used to supplement in-line filtration.

Fuel Filtration

Maintaining fuel quality is extremely important for fuel economy and equipment efficiency. Schroeder Industries offers solutions for bulk diesel storage and transfer at every stage of the supply line, as well as onboard filtration and solutions for compressed gas.

  • Bulk Diesel Filtration
  • Onboard Diesel Filtration
  • Fuel Filter Cart Systems / Mobile Filtration
  • Compressed Nautral Gas (CNG) Filtration
  • Fuel Diagnostic Tools
  • Replacement Elements
Fuel Filtration

Product Highlights

BDF1 – Bulk Diesel Filter

This dispensing and transfer filtration solution combines Schroeder’s particulate GHPF filter and coalescing GHCF filter for exceptional defense against particulate and water contamination. 

HDP Series

Wide range of compact filters designed for the most challenging engine applications in the railway industry. High-efficiency, available in several sizes and with fully automated water drain and integral electric pump options.

Element Technology

Filter elements are at the core of every filtration system. Schroeder Industries engineers and manufactures a broad range of highly efficient, effective filter elements offering exceptional dirt-holding capacity, superior particle capture, excellent beta stability, minimum pressure drop, high flow rate and low operating cost. Our element family includes:

  • Schroeder’s Excellement® Z-Media®: The media blend at the heart of Schroeder’s family of elements.
  • Anti-Stat Media & Anti-Stat Premium: Specialized elements that disperse static buildup in the hydraulic system.
  • DirtCatcher® Elements: Includes patented outer shell offering increased protection during element change-outs.
  • GeoSeal®: A patented offering from Schroeder that provides a unique way for OEM’s to retain replacement element business and to keep a filter’s performance at the level that it was supplied.
  • Schroeder BestFit®: High quality crossover elements compatible with a massive range of filters on the market
Element Technology

Product Highlights:

Advanced Element Technology

The right filter element can be the difference between
smooth, efficient operation or costly downtime and
repairs. Schroeder Industries has engineered a wide
range of elements for filtration you can rely on in a variety of scenarios.

Schroeder BestFit® Elements

Discover crossovers for over 42,000 OEM brand part numbers!

The quality and service you can expect from Schroeder filter elements, compatible with a massive range of filters.

Hydraulic Accessories

The hydraulic tank assembly is the heart of the hydraulic circuit. Schroeder Industries offers several products and services to improve the overall efficiency of the tank assembly:

  • Complete Tank Packages
  • Tank Optimization Services
  • Rugged, Rotomolded Reservoirs
  • Breathers, Other Vital Accessories
Hydraulic Accessories

Product Highlights:

TNK Series Complete Tank Packages

Ultra-durable rotomolded reservoirs engineered for improved degassing and cooling, with all the critical accessories needed for an effective tank assembly.

Filter Breathers

An array of breather options that improve system protection from water ingression.

Process Filtration

Our Process Filtration division offers a broad selection of solutions for process fluids, from coarse to ultra-fine filtration, as well as specially engineered filters for compressed hydrogen.

  • Water and Low-Viscosity Fluid Filtration
  • Process Fluid Filtration
  • Compressed Hydrogen Filtration Solutions
  • Automatic Backwash Filtration
Process Filtration

Product Highlights:

AutoFilt® RF9

A low-maintenance, service-friendly fuels
and lubrication filter that utilizes unique, patented hydropneumatic back-flushing technology with secure media filtration


The LMDP filter is functional and universally deployable for the filtration of lubrication oil and fuel in large engines.

Rail Industry Case Studies

Due to poor fuel quality, a Class 1 Rail Carrier was experiencing frequent in-field failures of their MOW (Maintenance-of-Way) equipment, including their Fuel & Lube Trucks. This lack of fuel quality control was costing the customer thousands of dollars in parts and labor, downtime, and lost revenue overall. Schroeder’s experts retrofitted the customer’s MOW fleet with BDF2 filters (BDF with dual GHCF filters), providing immediate improvements.

57% Increase in Particulate Filtration Efficiency

19% Reduction in Absolute Water Content (52ppm Below World Wide Fuel Charter Maximum Water Content)

300k USD in Lost Revenue Recovered Daily

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