Archive: Nov 2024

Coolant System Monitoring Just Got Simpler

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Coolant systems are a staple at virtually all major manufacturing and power plants, protecting the vital equipment resources from the effects of overheating. However, maintaining a coolant system is incredibly time consuming.

With any coolant system, the operator needs to perform daily checks of the tank volume, adding fresh emulsion if necessary.  Manual checks of the fluid concentration must also be done daily and re-dosed if needed. 

These steps are tedious, time consuming, and resource intensive—but are critical to maintaining tool life. If the concentration of coolant falls by just 2%, the equipment’s service live can decrease by up to 40%.

Introducing Automated Coolant Monitoring Solutions

To simplify the tedious process of sustaining a coolant system, Schroeder Industries is proud to introduce these unprecedented, automated solutions: The FCU5000 and FC5000.

These sophisticated, automated coolant management tools are calibrated to deliver the appropriate amount of coolant when necessary, preventing overdosing of coolant and controlling concentrate usage. Automated alert configurations keep you informed and ready to respond to any potential issued with the coolant system.

Fluid Control Unit – FCU5000

The FCU5000 offers unparalleled, comprehensive monitoring and automatic maintenance solutions for coolant applications, ensuring the coolant system is properly managed and freeing up valuable personnel bandwidth for other tasks.

  • Continuous monitoring of essential fluid parameters including PH, conductivity, refractive index, and temperature
  • Easy to use; connects directly to an emulsion mixer and automatically dispenses coolant when the fluid level drops below the target level
  • Configuration available for automated alerts and recommendations via email to a defined distribution list and data collection and distribution directly to customer systems
  • Reduces or eliminates need for daily laboratory analysis and manual documentation, freeing resources for other important business operations

Fluid Controller – FC5000

The FC5000 can function as a stand-alone unit or in conjunction with the FCU5000 to maximize your coolant management coverage.

  • Automation of coolant lubricant supply for up to two tanks
  • Automatically refills machine reservoirs with ready-mixed coolant, lightening the load of plant staff who would otherwise need to check and fill manually
  • Monitors coolant levels in the reservoir and provides documentation of system specific data

Solutions from Schroeder Industries can help keep you cool! Ask the experts if the FCU5000 or FC5000 are right for your application.

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The Cold, Hard Truth About Winter for Hydraulics & Diesel

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Winter technically doesn’t begin until late December in the Northern Hemisphere, but cold temperatures are already setting in. Work carries on regardless of the chilly weather, but for those operating in the extreme cold, there are some important considerations when it comes to your equipment.

Winter Is Coming, Is Your Equipment Ready?

When dealing with fluid powered equipment—like hydraulic-powered machines and diesel-powered engines—cold temperatures can be detrimental to your equipment longevity and performance. Let’s explore how cold impacts hydraulic fluid and diesel fuel, and what you can do to keep your business running hot:

1. Bypass Blues: Hydraulic Cold Start Conditions

The most consequential effect of cold temperatures on hydraulic fluid is the increase in fluid viscosity.

As the fluid thickens in low temperatures, its ability to freely flow is reduced, resulting in higher differential pressure upstream of the filter. This means that until the machine warms up and the fluid viscosity is lowered, the machine may enter bypass—where the fluid passes around the filter element. The conditions that cause machines to go into bypass due to higher fluid viscosity are commonly known as cold start conditions.

If the fluid is bypassing your filter and filter element, that means that unfiltered fluid is entering your system, putting critical components at risk!

Most filters on the market position the bypass at the bottom of the filter, where contamination settles as the machine sits idle. This means that when the machine goes into bypass, all that contamination is pushed straight into the hydraulic lines. Until the machine reaches sufficient temperatures and exits bypass, allowing your filtration to kick in, the contaminants will flow through the system and cause wear and tear.

Choosing the right filter can help protect your equipment when it inevitably enters bypass due to cold conditions. With the risks of contamination through the bypass in mind, Schroeder has designed filters that protect your equipment in cold start conditions, including:

QF5i with Ferrous Contamination Protection

Ferrous, metallic particulates are among the most damaging types of contamination.

Designed for added protection in cold start conditions, the QF5i includes a magnetic filter rod suspended within the coreless element configuration.

This ensures that even while the equipment is in bypass, damaging metallic particulates accumulate on the rod rather than flushing into the hydraulic system.

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GPT Engineered for Bypass Protection

The key to the GPT’s effectiveness is its unique bypass placement.

Unlike other filters on the market, the GPT includes its bypass in the top of the filter within the diverter cap.

During cold start conditions when a machine enters bypass, loose contaminants that have settled into the bottom of the GPT are isolated below the bypass and are not pulled into the hydraulic lines.

When the fluid reaches adequate temperature and normal filtration resumes, those contaminants are then contained safely within the filter element.

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Also Consider: Hydraulic Tank Optimization

Tank Optimization is the process of maximizing volume utilization and reducing fluid velocity in a hydraulic reservoir in order to create the most efficient tank assembly possible.

Tank Optimization has many benefits, such as reducing fluid costs and increasing available machine space. It can also improve the efficiency of equipment in cold conditions.

  • With less fluid in the system and improved flow efficiency, the fluid warmup window is reduced, as fluid can reach operating temperature faster.
  • When the desired fluid temperature is reached more quickly, that means less time is spent in bypass, which reduces risk of contaminant exposure and lets you get to work faster.

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2. De-aeration Diminished: Increased Air Contamination

When the viscosity of hydraulic fluid increases, it also reduces the fluid’s ability to de-aerate. Thicker fluid means that air bubbles are less able to coalesce, rise, and exit the hydraulic fluid, leaving an increased amount of gas suspended in the fluid. When the system restarts, that suspended air will flow through the hydraulic system and even expand as the fluid temperature rises.

Air contamination has several negative effects on equipment performance and longevity:

  • Gaseous cavitation, which occurs as air bubbles coalesce, grow, and collapse within the hydraulic circuit. This can cause jarring noises and potentially damage the internal components.
  • Unlike fluid, gas can be compressed. Too much air in the hydraulic system can cause delayed reactions in the hydraulic system rather than instant movement, sometimes referred to as a ‘spongy’ feeling in the hydraulics. This results in system performance that is at best inefficient and at worst unpredictable or even dangerous to bystanders and workers.
  • Air contamination also accelerates the oxidation of hydraulic fluid. When oxygen reacts with hydraulic fluid, a sludgy byproduct known as varnish is created. Excess varnish not only decreases the life of the hydraulic fluid, but can build up on internal components, causing blocked return lines, stuck valves, and other serious problems.

Deaeration occurs in the hydraulic reservoir, so ensuring you have the most effective de-aerating in-tank filtration on the market can help prevent air-related issues in cold conditions!

Air Fusion Technology (AFT) Filtration

Air Fusion Technology is thoughtfully engineered for optimal deaeration, removing 20% more air on the first cycle than standard in-tank filters!

The anatomy of the AFT filter includes several key features that enable its exceptional de-aerating performance:

  • The AFT’s specialized bypass valve de-aerates fluid even during bypass, which is especially useful in cold start conditions.
  • The patent-pending endcap design ensures bypass flow that enters the top of the element can still de-aerate.
  • The de-aeration diffuser shroud decreases fluid turbidity and increases bubble coalescence which improves de-aeration
  • The flow distribution cone redirects fluid towards the top of the reservoir, allowing more gas to escape the hydraulic fluid

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Deaeration-Optimized, Cold-Resistant Rotomolded TNK

These rotomolded reservoirs combine beautifully with AFT filtration for improved de-aeration!

The TNK series of reservoirs are ultra light yet exceptionally durable, with internal baffling engineered for reduced fluid turbidity and improved de-aeration.

TNK reservoirs can also tough out temperature extremes, including conditions as cold as -40°F (-40°C) while withstanding heavy impacts and rugged working conditions. See one in action below!

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3. Frigid Fuel: Paraffin Pile-Up

Paraffin is a type of petroleum-based wax, commonly used in cosmetics, candles, and industrial applications.

As it happens, there’s also paraffin in your diesel.

Diesel fuel contains molecules of dissolved paraffin, and depending on the blend of fuel, there may be more or less paraffin in the mix.

In warm temperatures, the paraffin stays dissolved, with little impact on the fuel system.

However, when temperatures drop, the paraffin begins crystallizing into a solid, which is known as diesel ‘gelling’. As these paraffin crystals begin forming, they can accumulate on dispensing filters and primary onboard filters, causing several potentially serious issues:

  • Blockages in filters and filter elements, which can reduce flow and drive up the costs of filter element replacements due to accelerated clogging.
  • Slow engine starts and engine stalls, which can range from simply disruptive to productivity to potentially damaging for internal engine components.
  • Reduced fuel efficiency overall, driving up emissions and fuel-related expenses.

There are several ways to cut down on the harmful effects of diesel gelling when temperatures start to plummet, including the following:

Use the Right Seasonal Blend of Fuel: Summer Diesel vs. Winter Diesel

Choosing the right fuel blend matters when temperatures drop.

  • Summer diesel blends are a more efficient fuel source, but due to the higher biodiesel content, there is more paraffin contained in summer blends.
  • As a result, in cold conditions, summer diesel is much more prone to diesel gelling.
  • Winter diesel blends, on the other hand, contain additives that hinder the formation of wax crystals, making them more effective in cold conditions.
  • You may be wondering: In that case, why not use winter diesel all year round? There are two main reasons. First, the energy content of winter diesel is actually lower than that of summer diesel, and second, due to the difference in the refining process, it is also less cost effective than summer diesel.

By selecting the appropriate fuel blend for the season, you can ensure that you are purchasing and utilizing fuel in the most cost-effective way, as well as protecting your equipment and your productivity from the effects of cold weather diesel gelling!

Monitor Fuel Condition with Regular Bottle Sampling & Testing

Regular sampling is vital for detecting problems before they become more serious!

When it comes to winter performance, here are two of the most important characteristics to monitor in your diesel testing regimen:

  • Cloud Point (CP): The temperature at which paraffin/wax crystals begin forming in the fuel. The crystal formation gives the diesel a cloudy appearance.
  • Cold Filter Plugging Point (CFPP): Measures the low-temperature operability of diesel by determining the lowest temperature at which the fuel passes easily through the fuel filter within a certain time range.

Schroeder Industries offers advanced testing for diesel and hydraulic oil! Ask about our testing services and stay on top of your fluid condition:

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Choose The Right Fuel Filtration

Not all filters and filter media are created equally! Choose the best protection for your fuel system:

Choose Diesel Filters with Integrated Heater Options

Some diesel filters come with an optional heater, which can be utilized in cold conditions to warm the fuel as it approaches the engine, reducing the formation of paraffin crystals.

  • Schroeder’s HDP series of high-performance fuel filters offer proven effectiveness, and come with optional heaters to increase protection in cold conditions.

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Choose Elements with Layered, Gradient Filter Media

The filter element is the core of every filtration system and it’s important to select layered media that provides increased surface area to counteract the wax crystals binding to the media.

  • Schroeder’s BestFit FBO Elements utilize layered media that provides optimal filtration in all climates, from standard temperatures to extreme heat and cold.
  • Offers advanced particulate filtration or coalescing filtration with proven performance.

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Want To Keep Your Operation Running Hot In Every Season? Ask The Experts!

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